Case Detail
Case Number:
Thomas Nisbet #1, St Helens
St Helens v Castleford
Match Date:
Unacceptable language in the 68th minute
Charge Detail:
Rule: 15.1(f)
Detail: Use of unacceptable language based on sexual preference.
Grade: F
8 plus matches
Decision On Charge
Player plea:
Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 18th July, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(f) during the above Match.
The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in approximately the 68th minute of the above Match. You were dismissed following the incident. In the Panel’s opinion, you used offensive and obscene language towards an opponent. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and constitute Misconduct.
Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Hearing conducted via telephone link with player and Head Coach Ian Talbot. Player pleads guilty and accepts that some of his language was totally unacceptable.This was not just a one way conversation but player does accept the language used towards his opponent is offensive in nature. Player accepts his guilt. Club and the player do not condone this type of language. This was a heat of the moment incident and the player has let himself, his family and the club down.
Guilty plea
Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)
Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Reasons for grading at Grade F
-RFL operate zero tolerance on unacceptable language
-Sport has a duty to ensure we are inclusive to all participants
-Not acceptable as a form of sledging
-Prolonged nature of interaction with opponent
Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Previous good record, remorseful and has plead guilty
Aggravating Factors:
Offensive language
Mitigating Factors:
Good record
Reasons for Decision:
This is rightly regarded as an extremely serious offence by the RFL and attracts a zero tolerance. The player has admitted his guilt and shown considerable remorse for his actions this is to his credit. The tribunal note this player has no previous disciplinary record. However this was a prolonged confrontation between two players and must attract a sanction of 8 games and a £50 fine
8 games