Case Detail
Case Number:
Bradley Jinks #18, Castleford
Bradford v Castleford
Match Date:
Punching in the 58th minute
Charge Detail:
Rule – 15.1(a)
Detail – Punching –Sustained, repeated or violent
Grade – D
Decision On Charge
Player plea:
Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 8th August, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(a) during the above Match.
The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in approximately the 58th minute of the above Match. In the Panel’s opinion, you threw punches towards your opponent in the head area multiple times. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and had the potential to cause your opponent injury.
Due to the severity of the charge, the Panel cannot issue a Penalty Notice and as such the matter will be referred to the Operational Rules Tribunal for determination in accordance with section 3.4 of the On-Field Sentencing Guidelines.
It is therefore intended for the charge to be considered by the Tribunal on 13th August. However, please bear in mind that pursuant to Operational Rule D2:19 the Operational Rules Tribunal have the discretion to hear the case on a different date if circumstances require it. For example, if there is a significantly large case load.
In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade D offence (Striking – Punching – Sustained, repeated or violent). In accordance with the On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the normal suspension range for such offence is 3 to 5 matches.
Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Player not in attendance but pleads guilty to the charge via a letter from his club.
Player embarrassed by his actions and apologised to the club for his behaviour which he and his club agree are unacceptable.
Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)
Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
• Player charged under RFL Rule 15.1(a) Striking – punching – sustained, repeated or violent.
• Incident occurred in the 58th minute of the match.
• Mr Jinks makes direct contact to the head of opponents on at least five occasions.
• Graded D due to;
- Level of force used
- Makes direct contact with the head on five occasions
- No place for violence or thuggery within Rugby League
- Jeopardises the safety of opponent
Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Club have reiterated to the player that behaviour of this kind is not acceptable.
Player accepts his guilt and apologised to the club and his teammates.
Reasons for Decision:
The footage clearly shows this player in a coming together of players from both sides.
He can be seen to throw about 10 punches towards the opponent, five of which connect with the opponent’s head. These punches were thrown violently and with a high level of force. They made contact with the opponent’s head and had the potential for serious injury.
In deciding the appropriate sanction this Tribunal give the player credit for his acceptance of guilt and the fact that he does not have any previous disciplinary record.
Taking these mitigating factors into consideration this Tribunal feel that they can impose a 4 match suspension and a £50 fine.
4 matches