Case Detail
Case Number:
James Meadows #32, Sheffield
Sheffield v Leigh
Match Date:
Foul and abusive language towards match official in 80th minute
Charge Detail:
Rule – 15.1(f) using offensive or obscene language and questioning the integrity of the Match Official
Detail – foul and abusive language to the Match Official and disputes the decision of the referee using language which questions his integrity
Grade D
Decision On Charge
Player plea:
Not Guilty
Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 4th July 2019, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Regulation 15.1(f) during the above Match.
The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at the end of the above Match. In the Panel’s opinion, you used foul and abusive language towards a Match Official and questioned the integrity of the Match Official. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and constitute Misconduct.
In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade D offence (Uses offensive or obscene language - Questioning the integrity of a Match Official). In accordance with the On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the normal suspension range for such offence is 3 to 5 matches.
Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Hearing conducted over phone with Head Coach Danny Ward and player.
Player accepts he used foul language towards the official but denies questioning the integrity of the official by calling him a cheat at any time.
The incident was caused by frustration on behalf of the player who believed the referee made an incorrect decision on the field. It is argued that the player did not make two separate comments towards the official.
Two opponents who were in the vicinity both heard abusive language from the player but did not hear the word cheat or any other words that questioned the integrity of the official. The footage shows the player did not have the opportunity to make two comments towards the official before he was dismissed from the field of player after the final hooter.
The player apologised for his abusive comments towards the official and these were born out of frustration. The player indicated he was putting his arm out towards the official as he approached him appealing for a knock on. Player accepts his actions may looked aggressive and were as a result of frustration.
Reasons for Decision:
The Tribunal have taken into consideration the submissions made by the player and his coach Danny Ward. They have viewed the footage on numerous occasions and taken into account the referees evidence which was given in person at the hearing.
The Tribunal note the e-mails from two opponents who heard abusive language but no other language that questioned the integrity of the official. It is noted there was no statement from the players own teammate who was close to the incident and appears to push him away from the official.
The referee in his evidence was very clear of the language used. It is obvious that the player does aggressively approach the official after the decision. The referee indicates the language was used on two separate occasions.
This Tribunal feel the player had the opportunity to do this and they have no reason to disbelieve the official and find this player guilty of misconduct.
Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)
Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
The MRP felt Grade D was appropriate due to:
• Players cannot question the integrity of Match Officials in such manner
• Respect of Match Officials is integral to the game
• Questioning the integrity of a Match Official is a serious matter
• Aggressive in approach with regards to shouting at the official
• Use of foul and abusive language towards an official
• Use of the word cheat
• Abuse is repeated
Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Totally out of character-player was frustrated at decision made by official.
Reasons for Decision:
Having found the player guilty of misconduct this Tribunal are satisfied that the grading at Grade D was appropriate.
Any type of abuse towards an official is unacceptable. Abuse that questions the integrity of the official will not be tolerated by the Tribunal and will be treated as a serious matter.
In deciding the appropriate sanction the Tribunal take into consideration the players good previous character and accept it was a heat of the moment action. However, the player is a Super League player playing in the Championship and has some responsibility for his actions.
This Tribunal feel that a 4-match suspension and a £250 fine are appropriate in this instance.
4 matches