Case Detail
Case Number:
Grant Millington #10, Castleford
Super League
Castleford v Hull KR
Match Date:
Punching in the 71st minute (Greenwood)
Charge Detail:
Rule - 15.1(a)
Detail – Strikes – Punching – sustained, repeated or violent
Grade – C
2 Match Penalty Notice
Decision On Charge
Player plea:
Guilty but challenging grading
Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 4th March you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(a) during the above Match.
The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in approximately the 71st minute of the above Match. In the Panel’s opinion you threw punches towards an opponent (Greenwood) making contact with the head. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and had the potential to cause your opponent injury.
In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade C offence (Punching – sustained, repeated or violent) The normal suspension range for such offence is from no matches to a 2 – 3 match suspension.
Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Player in attendance and accompanied by Director of Rugby Jon Wells.
Player pleads guilty to punching but questions the level of grading at Grade C and introduces a comparable clip from a Huddersfield player (Hinchcliffe) who again threw several punches at an opponent but was only graded at Grade A.
Player believes his actions were comparable and the grading should be reflected in this. Player indicates opponent throws first punch whilst he is on the ground. Player reacts and concedes throwing punches but is on the back foot all the time and not the aggressor going towards the opponent.
This was a reactionary action towards an opponent who threw the first punch. Could be argued it was initially self-defence. In both clips several punches were thrown and both players were subsequently sin-binned but the grading is different.
Request the tribunal take this into consideration with a view to reducing this grading.
The Tribunal have viewed the clips at length. In both instances there is some level of provocation before retaliatory punches are thrown. In the Hinchliffe case this Tribunal can only see one punch landing on an opponent. In respect of this case there are clearly four punches thrown towards an opponent in a forceful and aggressive manner.
This Tribunal feel this was a case of sustained and repeated punching and feel the grading at Grade C is appropriate.
Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)
Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
The offence was graded at Grade C due to:
1) Level of force used
2) Direct contact with head
3) Opponent unable to protect himself
4) Incident not part of play
5) Potential for injury
6) Sustained and repeated actions
Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Player accepts his guilt but insists he was not the aggressor. No injury was caused and he spoke to his opponent after the game.
Player has good previous disciplinary record with only one previous incident of punching in 2013.
Aggravating Factors:
21.07.13 – Grade A – Punching-one on one (N/A)
Reasons for Decision:
In deciding the appropriate sanction this Tribunal take into account the submissions made by the player and his representative.
It accepted there was some provocation and that the player has pleaded guilty. The player has a reasonable disciplinary record with only one previous appearance in 2013 for punching. However, this was repeated and sustained punching to the head of an opponent that had the potential for serious injury.
Taking into account the mitigating factors this tribunal feel that a 2-match suspension and a £500 fine are appropriate.
2 matches