Case Detail
Case Number:
Connor Wynne #14, Hull FC
Reserves Championship
Hull FC v Featherstone
Match Date:
Punching in the 77th minute
Charge Detail:
Rule – 15.1(a)
Detail – Strikes – Punching – Sustained, repeated, violent and aggressive
Grade – E
Decision On Charge
Player plea:
Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 1st August, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(a) during the above Match.
The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in approximately the 77th minute of the above Match. You were dismissed following this incident. In the Panel’s opinion, you punched your opponents in the head area multiple times. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and had the potential to cause your opponent injury.
Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:
Player not in attendance but pleads guilty by letter authored by the CEO of Hull FC James Clark.
Player takes full responsibility for his actions and accepts his guilt and the grading at Grade E.
Player has shown considerable remorse for his actions. The club do not condone this type of behaviour and are working with the player to prevent any reoccurrence.
The player has been subject to an internal fine.
Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)
Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:
Accepts guilt
Shown remorse
Subject to internal club fine
Aggravating Factors:
23.8.18 – Dissent (Grade B 1 match)
6.6.19 – Striking (Grade A)
Reasons for Decision:
This was an incident of repeated, violent and sustained punching on an opponent with some of the blows coming from behind when the opponent was unable to defend himself.
This is a serious offence of violence towards an opponent and had the potential for serious injury. In deciding the appropriate sanction this Tribunal have taken into account a letter from the club outlining several mitigating factors relating to this player and the fact the club have already taken internal action against him.
The player accepts his guilt and has shown considerable remorse and apologised for his actions which he appreciates are unacceptable.
Taking these factors into consideration this Tribunal feel in this instance they can go to the lower end of the grading and impose a 5 match suspension and a £50 fine.
5 matches